Being Back, Vodka Truth Serum, and Adjusting

It is very good being back, though the noise of a city was assaulting and being afloat but not being on the hook was and is confusing. Continue reading “Being Back, Vodka Truth Serum, and Adjusting”

No Denying that We’re Home: Port Townsend

Yesterday, we sailed from Roche Harbor to MacKay Harbor. The day before from Sidney Spit to Roche Harbor. Today from MacKay Harbor to Port Townsend. There is no denying that we’re home: blue Skies, light winds. Continue reading “No Denying that We’re Home: Port Townsend”

Nanaimo thru Dodds Narrows to Conover Cove

We’ve been to Nanaimo enough times to make it feel like home. We know the anchorage off Newcastle Island and the town itself.

The sail down from Tribune Bay on Hornby Island is one of those sails I’m not particularly proud of, but reality takes precedence over sailing. Continue reading “Nanaimo thru Dodds Narrows to Conover Cove”

Tribune Bay, Anchor Lights, We’ve been here before

Yesterday’s spinnaker run lasted only a couple of hours. Rather than building through the day, the wind slowly, inexorably diminished to nothing.

As the spinnaker took hold and we moved in near silence, Jennifer went below and to sleep. Hilary sat across from me alternating between closing her eyes and traveling to some other place, or asking about going for a walk and going home. Continue reading “Tribune Bay, Anchor Lights, We’ve been here before”

Are we really in the PNW? Beautiful weather becomes common

It’s 8:42, BC time. We’re motoring into the Strait of Georgia, which Jennifer and I have both seen when it’s angry. Continue reading “Are we really in the PNW? Beautiful weather becomes common”