It’s All About Prep… and Dreams

DL2680 ATL-SEA 18-FEB-2020 – We’re our way back to Port Townsend before making the hop to Honolulu on the 20th.

Jennifer and I often think we have few friends, but our week was full of seeing friends. It was a busy week with full days of house maintenance and full evenings with friends.

We’ve been following the travails of James and Kimi on Zingaro, and the dreams following my father’s death have begun.

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This Time of Life

DL SEA-ATL 12-Feb-2020 – it’s getting to be a more and more difficult time of life: in my email this morning was a notification that Jennifer’s and my dear friend, Judie Romeo, died.

Judie was loud, opinionated, and, I suspect, could be difficult to work with. She was, recently, on the wrong side of the backhand of the new Center for Wooden Boats (CWB).

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