Back in Port Towsend, so much has changed in the US

Port Townsend, WA, 1-OCT-2020 — We spent a few days sleeping aboard, winterizing Caro Babbo, then drove our rental car† back to Anchorage airport and flew to Seattle’s SEATAC.

I can’t sleep well since we have been back: anxiety dreams. Recent dreams have been about missing meetings and other things from my business life. These dreams are, instead, generally about Caro Babbo being on the hard and improperly winterized.

But, I know it is also withdrawal and the social pressures I feel being around people.

Unanimously, everyone we spoke with told (told!) us not to come back. Stay away! But, Jennifer wants to live in her house, which she has spent less than 10% of her ownership in. The politics haven’t abated since we left. I’m aghast to learn there is an actual fear of post-election violence in the US. This isn’t the country I grew up in.

The country that repetitively, unceasingly tells me that it has the best health care in the world has the 9th highest infection rate.

We’ll see children, who are all in their twenties, soon: my nephew, Vin, Jennifer’s children Owen and Flora.

The next generation has started. My nephew Nick is a father. His daughter is the first grandchild among all my cousins. The first among his mother’s family and the first grandchild of his spouse Anna’s family. Their daughter Lillian shares the name of my mother, Lillian’s great grandmother, who would be 91 today.

Life continues. Statistically, I know how many years I have left. It is doubtful I will see any members of the generation below me reach the age I am now. In this time left, I will build, experience, and accomplish.

Across the winter, I’ll tell you more about the trip and, for those interested, how we prepared. I doubt there is much I would have changed.

Thanks for staying with me. Reading and being my friends.

† The rental car will be explained in future posts.

Author: johnjuliano

One-third owner of Caro Babbo, co-captain and in command whenever Caro Babbo is under sail.

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