Quick note: Wind, Waves, A whale pops up to say hello

Coffman Cove, AK, 17-Aug-2018 — We’re back after abandoning an attempted crossing of Clarence Strait headed towards Meyer’s Chuck.

The NOAA weather forecast was for wind increasing to 20 knots by mid-day. At 7am, when the current switched to ebbing south, our direction, we motored out, keeping clear of a whale feeding in harbor, to be across before the wind had picked up.

Once out, we found the wind was already blowing.

Continue reading “Quick note: Wind, Waves, A whale pops up to say hello”

Small Inlet, Johnstone Strait, Hilary, Two Whales Feeding and things that work

17-MAY-2017, Johnstone Strait – Yesterday morning we had two conflicting weather reports. Environment Canada said wind on the nose up Straits of Georgia and in to Johnstone Strait.

Our GRIB files said four knots the entire day.

The Strait outside Campbell river was flat and calm. As we made our decision to leave all 100 feet of Discovery, who was docked across the finger dock from us, powered up.

The night had been a real windstorm with moments of driving rain. When on an anchor, the boat general points into the wind. The portion of the cockpit in the dodger’s wind shadow stays dry. Continue reading “Small Inlet, Johnstone Strait, Hilary, Two Whales Feeding and things that work”

No Denying that We’re Home: Port Townsend

Yesterday, we sailed from Roche Harbor to MacKay Harbor. The day before from Sidney Spit to Roche Harbor. Today from MacKay Harbor to Port Townsend. There is no denying that we’re home: blue Skies, light winds. Continue reading “No Denying that We’re Home: Port Townsend”